Regency Royal 3-Inch Two-piece Flush Valve with Adjustable Tube & Two Extra Seals


Regency Royal 3-Inch Two-piece Flush Valve with Adjustable Tube & Two Extra Seals

SKU: 606795639730 Category:


Regency Royal 3-Inch Two-piece Flush Valve with Adjustable Tube & Two Extra Seals

  • Flapper valve has two extra silicone seals that are easy to replace with removable nipple
  • Regency Royal 3-inch flapper valve assembly with sliding adjustable overflow tube the more water you can put into your toilet. 
  • Regency Royal toilets flush better with more water.
  • Flapper valve stays open longer to maximize flush, water-balanced control on flapper hardbody
  • Flapper valves stay up long enough to let all the water out for a stronger flow
  • Best three-inch flapper valve assembly on the market with an adjustable sliding overflow tube
  • For two-piece toilets with adjustable flapper valve and replicable silicone seals

Flush Valve Easy Measuring Tips – Video

One piece or Two piece which is right for you? Video

Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs